About a year ago I wrote a post about a few Kickstarters I felt were worthy of your time and money. One of those projects was run by a small press called Silence in the Library Publishing. It turns out they have another Kickstarter underway currently. This one is for an anthology called Heroes! Like Time Traveled Tales, Heroes! saw a limited release at Origins Game Fair in 2013. I bought a copy of the book there, and let me tell you, there are some damn fine stories within it. Now Silence in the Library Publishing is hoping to give Heroes! the widespread release it deserves. Thus, the new Kickstarter.
Steven Saus, writer and owner of Alliteration Ink, has a story featured in Heroes!. And he’s teamed Alliteration Ink up with Silence in the Library to offer a digital copy of Sidekicks! to the first 350 backers of the Heroes! Kickstarter. The details can be found here. So if you still have not picked up a copy of Sidekicks!, why not contribute to the Heroes! Kickstarter and get both collections? Again, the Sidekicks! offer is only available to the first 350 backers, so don’t wait.
Speaking of digital editions of Sidekicks!, Alliteration Ink is now partnered with BitLit. That means that if you purchased or plan to purchase any physical books from Alliteration Ink then you can get a digital copy of that book for free via BitLit. From Alliteration Ink’s press release:
“This method of bundling promotes all booksellers,” said Steven Saus, the owner of Alliteration Ink. “Whether you buy the book online, from a retail chain, an independent Mom-and-Pop bookstore, or even directly from the author, you own that book. And you should be able to read that book however you want to.”
Through the BitLit app, Alliteration Ink offers users DRM-free ePub, Kindle, and PDF formats of the books they purchased. By offering several formats without restrictive DRM, readers can easily load the eBooks onto their phone, tablet, computer, or eReader.
The ability to use almost any device to read is vital. “Digital books are important for people whose eyes are failing,” says Saus. Digital books allow readers to enlarge the print size as much as they like. Some software and eReaders can read the books to their owners. “Bundling digital and print versions allows our readers and fans to get the benefits of both.”
Pretty cool, eh? That’s all from me for now. Thanks for stopping by.