Sidekicks! Event at Epic Loot Games and Comics Recap

The event at Epic Loot Games and Comics was fantastic! We had a really good turnout. First up, Michael Haynes read his beautiful, epic fantasy-romance story, “Learning the Game”. And then *gulp*, it was my turn. I don’t mind telling you, I was terrified. Scared shitless. While once upon a time in college I acted, and although I’ve done multiple panels at Steampunk conventions, reading in front of a crowd was a whole new experience. 

Typically when performing in front of a crowd, I’m anxious all the way up until showtime and then I’m fine. But at Epic Loot I was reading my own story. My words. My characters. My world. Would they bore the crowd? What if the audience didn’t laugh at my jokes?

As I read, I tried to keep in mind all the things I learned in theater.  Enunciate. Go slow. Give each character a unique voice. Project your voice. Yet my mouth kept gumming up dry. I know I went too fast in a few sections. And I stumbled over a word here and there. Yet I got a pretty good reaction from the crowd. I think it went well for my first time.

Next up, K.W. Taylor read “Doomed”, a superhero tale. When I got my preview copy of the anthology, K.W.’s story was the first one I read. It was a pleasure to not only get to meet her, but to hear her read.

Finally, Sarah Hans read Alex Bledsoe’s story, “Hunter and Bagger”, nearly bringing down the house. It was a master class in how a good reading can really enhance the enjoyment of a story. With her crazy accents and sharp delivery, Sarah brought out every ounce of the story’s absurd, sick humor.

Thanks to all who came out to support local, independent writers. And thanks to David and the rest of the crew at Epic Loot Games and Comics for being such fine hosts!

From left to right: Myself, Sara Hans, Michael Haynes, K.W. Taylor, and Steve Saus



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