In case you missed it, part two of my saison reviews was posted on The Tipsy Techie last week.
Author Archives: slickman
Some Exciting News Regarding Sidekicks!
About a year ago I wrote a post about a few Kickstarters I felt were worthy of your time and money. One of those projects was run by a small press called Silence in the Library Publishing. It turns out they have another Kickstarter underway currently. This one is for an anthology called Heroes! Like Time Traveled Tales, Heroes! saw a limited release at Origins Game Fair in 2013. I bought a copy of the book there, and let me tell you, there are some damn fine stories within it. Now Silence in the Library Publishing is hoping to give Heroes! the widespread release it deserves. Thus, the new Kickstarter. Continue reading
A Quick Update and Another Beer Review
Hi. I know. This site has been dormant. You probably thought I’d given up, yeah? Naw. Just getting some shit sorted. Some of it involves Chaos. The old boy is still fighting, but the allergies this year have taken a toll on him due to his compromised sinuses. Some of it involves stuffs I’m not sure I want to talk about here. But everyone still has their health. And I’m still writing.
However the reason I’m here right now is because the good lady who runs the Tipsy Techie has allowed me to post another of my beer reviews. This one is going to be a two parter. The first part is here. The second part should be going up in about a week. Take a look!
Odds And Updates
Bloody Hell. A month since anybody heard a peep from me. Depression is a hell of a thing. Still, I have not been idle.
I’ve written a few new things, one of which has been rejected by three different editors. Pooh bears. But this year hasn’t been all bad news on the writing front. I’ve gotten an invite to submit to an anthology, which is nice. Not a guaranteed sale, of course, but it’s a good feeling to be included in an “inner circle”, so to speak. Also, one of my stories is under contract with a publisher. Basically that means they’ve got “dibs” on it and we’ve agreed to the sort of rights they’d be buying. Being new to this business, I’m not sure how much more I can share. I’m not expecting to hear anything more on it until closer to Halloween, as it’s that kind of story. I will most certainly update this site and blab about it on Twitter once I have more details.
Our corgi-bear is hanging tough. His last three checkups with the oncologist have gone well. The air flow out of the infected nostril is strong and there are no signs of the tumor returning yet. His health has hit a few snags, though. We found a large mass on his belly the other week. The vet took of sample from it and it’s apparently just fatty tissue, but we need to keep an eye on it. Also, Chaos now refuses to go up or down stairs and he appears to have an odd swaying in his hips. Our regular vet was afraid that the tumor had caused neurological damage, but we got confirmation today that it’s not that. He most likely has developed either a herniated disk or is in the early stages of degenerative disk disease. He’s on some anti-inflammatory drugs and we’ve started doing exercises with him for range of motion. Also some heat therapy and massage. He’s lost none of his energy or zest for life. He’s just having a hard time moving around right now. Hopefully we can correct it.
Beer (because it gets its own heading on my site)
The Tipsy Techie was gracious enough to let me review another beer for her. You can read it here. Also, I’m planning on bringing a batch of To the Black with me to this year’s Steampunk Empire Symposium. I haven’t heard yet if there is going to be a home brew contest again this year (I won last year’s), but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have good beer on hand.
That’s it for now. I hope to have more news soon.
My Bloody Valentine Ale Review
The Tipsy Techie was kind enough to let me review a beer for her website. I chose AleSmith Brewing Company’s My Bloody Valentine Ale. You can read the review here. I had fun with this and hope to do more in the future.
To The Black- An Evolving Homebrew Recipe
I started home brewing beer about 9 years ago. It wasn’t long after that when I kicked Mr. Beer and his kit-based ilk to the curb and started crafting my own recipes. And being not only a writer of science fiction but also a fan, I wanted my beers to be inspired by the fantastical worlds I loved. Around that time, my wife and I were just getting hooked on Firefly (yes, we got our brown coats late, I know). I thought it would be clever to try and brew up some Firefly themed beer. Continue reading
Update on Chaos – January 18, 2014
With the holidays behind us and a new year dawning, I felt it was time to post another update on Chaos’s condition. Just prior to Christmas his health took a dive. Continue reading
Post on Bill Bodden’s Website
Fellow Sidekicks! writer and all around good guy Bill Bodden invited me to write a guest blog on his website. I used the opportunity to promote Metastasis. If you haven’t read it already, please give it a look.
Giving 2013 Its Due
You know what? Fuck that noise. Bring on 2014!
A Glowing Sidekicks! Review
I tend to avoid reviews of my own work because I already have enough self-esteem issues. However, at the urging of Steve Saus, I checked out this review of Sidekicks! posted by The Little Red Reviewer.
Not only did she give the anthology high marks, but she specifically called out “Fangirl” as one of her favorites. In lieu of everything that’s been happening lately, it really brightened my mood. Thanks Redhead!